Caden's Corner of Things


Why I Birdwatch!

Birdwatching is one of my favorite hobbies. It is relatively easy to do, can be done anywhere you go, and is extremely theraputic. On this page, I'll recount birdwatching adventures I've been on, keeping track of what species I have spotted, and so on. I even have some bird photos to share and will share more as I take them! Here are some sample photos, if you click on them you can get a better look!

Tools of the Trade:

Binoculars are not necessarily a necessity for birdwatching. However, I highly recommend getting a pair, even if it is one of your parent's old pairs. I started with using a pair from my parents and it got plenty of mileage. Additionally, when I bird with friends or my boyfriend, I have a spare pair for them. That said, you don't need binoculars to birdwatch. If you know anyone with a pair, ask them to see if you could borrow theirs!

this is a placeholder image before i get images of my binoculars